We are dedicated to helping businesses establish a strong brand identity and effectively reach their target audience through innovative marketing strategies. We understand the importance of creating a unique and memorable brand image, and our experts are here to help you achieve your branding and marketing goals.

From developing a brand strategy to executing creative marketing campaigns, our agency offers a full range of services to help you make a lasting impression on your target audience. If you are a local SME, you might be eligible for funding support for the following services, chat with us to find out more.

Brand Development / Rebranding

Differentiate your products and service offerings from your competitors, establish rapport, build trust, communicate your values and increase your profits & margins with an elevated brand positioning and marketing strategy. Learn More

F&B Foundational Branding

Establish your F&B brand’s personality and create a strong and consistent image in the minds of consumers through your logo, color scheme, and overall aesthetic from signboard design to environmental branding. We also define your brand’s mission, values, messaging and the tone and voice. Learn More
Graphics Design

Effective graphic design involves creating visually appealing materials that effectively communicate your brand identity and message to your target audience. When done correctly, these assets can effectively engage and interest consumers, as well as increase their trust in your brand. Learn More
Websites & Landing Pages Development

A well-designed website and landing page can improve the user experience and make it easier for customers to find the information they need. They can also help to establish credibility and build trust with potential customers. In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is essential for businesses of all sizes. Learn More
SEO Marketing

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, important because higher ranking websites are more likely to be seen by users, which can lead to an increase in traffic and potential customers. It also helps to improve the user experience by making it easier for users to find the information they need. By optimizing your website for search engines, you can increase your visibility. Learn More
SEM / Paid Search Marketing

With millions of businesses out there all vying for the same eyeballs, SEM allows your business to reach a larger audience and target specific demographics or search queries. It is a key part of a well-rounded digital marketing strategy because it can help to drive targeted traffic to a website. Learn More
Social Media Management

Increase your brand awareness and reach with curated contents on social media, and build and maintain relationships with your customers. A strong social media presence will drive traffic to your website and increase sales. It can also help you to monitor and respond to customer feedback and stay up-to-date with industry trends. Learn More
Linkedin / Email Leads Generation

Linkedin is an effective online platform for generating quality leads for B2B sales. By building a strong LinkedIn presence and using sponsored content and InMail campaigns which can be targeted towards specific audiences, Bluehive can help you to reach each out to potential clients to build connections, generate warm leads and sales. Learn More
Online Leads Management / Email Marketing
Email marketing and leads management helps your business to effectively reach and communicate with potential customers, build relationships, establish trust, and encourage customer loyalty. Additionally, it can be an efficient and cost-effective way to generate leads and drive sales. Learn More
Copywriting / Contents Development

Establish your brand and communicate your messages to your ideal target audience. High-quality, well-written content can help your business to attract and retain customers, as well as to improve your search engine rankings and website traffic; and differentiate yourself from your competitors. Well-written content can be repurposed and shared on various channels.  Learn More
Creative Video

Communicate your brand message and showcase your products or services in a visually engaging way. Video content is highly shareable on a variety of platforms, such as social media, websites, and online marketplaces, to reach a wide audience. Differentiate your brand from your competitors and stand out in a crowded marketplace. Learn More
Marketing Collaterals Development

Well-designed marketing materials, such as websites, brochures, flyers, recipe books, etc, can make a strong impression on potential customers and help to establish the professional image of the business and can be used to reinforce your brand identity and messaging of your business, and to support the overall marketing efforts of your company. Learn More
Press & Media Relations

Increase your brand visibility and credibility by building relationships with journalists and media outlets. Your business can secure valuable media coverage and reach a wider audience. Press and media relationships can be an effective way to build trust with potential customers and to demonstrate the value and credibility of your brand or business. Learn More
Events & Activation

Connect with your target audience in a more personal and interactive way. Showcase your products or services, build relationships with customers, and gather valuable feedback and insights. Events and activations can also help your brand to build buzz and excitement around your products or services. Learn More

A Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) as a Service or (CMOaaS) is a modern, flexible solution for businesses seeking expert marketing leadership without the commitment of a full-time executive hire. This service model allows companies to access top-tier marketing expertise and strategic guidance on a part-time, temporary, or project basis. Learn More


Our Team is Committed to Help You Scale Your Business

We work with clients from various industries in different markets from Business Consulting, Marketing Activation to Digital Advertising. Speak to us to see how can collaborate.